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Last post by springer
Welcome to the GMT Forum. This forum was created for the benefit of all Rolex enthusiasts interested in the preservation, history, research, general knowledge, enjoyment and ownership of vintage Rolex watches. This forum is not affiliated with or endorsed by Rolex SA, Rolex USA or any other group, person, association, business, forum or charity connected to Rolex SA, Rolex USA or their representatives.
There are not many rules here on the GMT Forum, but there are a few rules which are intended for the benefit of all the members. This is a family-oriented forum, which is administered and moderated accordingly. With that in mind, remember that Rolex enthusiasts come from all backgrounds, races, nationalities, gender, religions and age groups. Please be respectful to others here and tolerant of opposing views and opinions since vintage Rolex is not an exact science. Foul language, poor taste, lewd comments or photographs, political and religious statements, and insulting/flaming behavior are not allowed. Additionally, any other comment that a moderator or the administrator determines violates the spirit or decorum of this forum is subject to edit or removal. Discussions of counterfeit Rolex or Rolex trademarks is not allowed. Discussions of counterfeit or aftermarket parts must be relevant to a topic or thread. No links to any web site dealing in counterfeit Rolex watches or watch parts is allowed. Members found to be in violation, or who habitually violate, any of the forum rules are subject to having their posts edited and/or removed. Additionally, members are subject to removal from the forum for habitual or single violations of any rule of the GMT Forum.
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